Thursday, January 14, 2010

R.I.P. Flannery

Today we have lost the wonderful Flannery, at the ripe old age of 17. This feisty grandma was in good spirits to the end.
The Flannikins was a crazy little gal, she loved to blend in with fluffy white rugs, give kisses to your forearm before bed, run like a weird bucking pony down the hallways, shed all over my black sweaters under my bed when I doggie-sat, and make insane noises while digging in dog beds, scaring the begeezus out of anyone in earshot.

Much love to you, Lisa. Flannery will be missed!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, sorry about the passing of Flannery. Although she is not physically present, she will always be with you. Bernie was fortunate to meet her! Teddy came along a little later and didn't have the opportunity to meet Flannery but I bet he would have loved her! He's a pretty social guy! Debbie, Bernie & Teddy - 15 Maitland.
