Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Big plans ahead! Plus Megan Battersby Photography!

Starting December 1, Peachy Keen Pets is going to donate 15% of profits from all holiday/winter items to the Pugalug Pug Rescue. Come check us out at one of the events we are attending in December!

December 6: Pug Claus @ Urban Dog, Toronto. 2-4pm (47 Parliament)

December 12 & 19 @ The Tranzac, Toronto, 12-6pm (Brunswick, S. of Bloor)

Novembers events have been totally amazing, and I'm really looking forward to what next month has to offer!

I'm also working on some new items for the December shows and for the website, such as bag-holders, coats, and maybe even cute boxes of homemade grain-free treats to give away to our customers!

I would also like to draw some attention to a fabulous photographer, Megan Battersby, who has kindly offered me her services for all my product photography used for Peachy Keen Pets so far!
I asked Megan how she got started and to tell you all a little bit about herself. Read on, and check out her great links for more information and lots and lots of fabulous photos!!!

"I’ve always enjoyed photography, and even worked at a department store studio while I was in university. Shortly after the birth of my daughter, I realized how much fun it was to photograph children. I started playing around with some ideas with my own daughter, and then ventured into borrowing my friend’s children. It just blossomed from there. I will photograph just about anything- maternity, newborns (my favourite!), kids, families, couples, and yes even pets!!! I’ve covered events for Canadian Living magazine, and most recently have ventured into product photography, courtesy of Peachy Keen Pets.

If I had to choose my most favourite subject to photograph, it would be working with fresh newborns (yes I said FRESH!). It truly is the most precious time to capture and cherish the sweet tender moments."

Where to find Megan Battersby Photography:

On the web:


On Facebook:


On BlogSpot:


On Twitter:


Thanks so much Megan!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Swansea Craft Sale - last minute addition!

Peachy Keen Pets has been added last minute to an event!!
Come out to the Swansea Craft Sale tomorrow, Saturday, November 21 at the Swansea Community Centre, 207 Windmere (alternative entrance at 15 Waller) in Bloor West Village! 56 vendors, bring your kids because Santa will make an appearance, only $2 admission! 15 years running, it should be a great event!


Monday, November 16, 2009

Here we are!


At last, a blog to call our own... because there are just not enough ways to keep up with Peachy Keen Pets and all of our happenings, right?


Plus our facebook fanpage!

This blog will be full of information on my company, Peachy Keen Pets, but in addition to that there will be tons of contests to win free merchandise, animal rescue success stories and links to animals that still need homes, silly pictures and videos of the pug mascots, Miso and Hummus, healthy grain-free recipes for your pet, and anything else I can think of!

While I get things organized, check out my first link to a rescue organization very close to our hearts at Peachy Keen Pets, Pugalug Pug Rescue. (www.pugalug.com)
At the time of writing this, Pugalug Pug Rescue has rescued 166 pugs since October 2005, including our wonderful pug, Hummus! They are a registered charity and run solely on amazing volunteers committed to finding the right forever homes for the dogs that come into their care. I know firsthand the love and attention they put into each adoption, they do amazing and wonderful work! To donate to their cause, go to their website! Also check out the goofy fun that are the pug photos and videos of their Rescue events, especially the latest Halloween costume pics! The Pugalug group has also recently honored us on their Biz Links page as a Puganthropist! We are so happy to contribute to a cause that has caused us and so many others incredible happiness! If you look in the Happy Tails section, find GUS under 2008, that is our Hummus's story of his life before us!

Until next time...

Niki (with pug help from Miso & Hummus)